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May 2017
Dec. 2015
Middle Tennessee State University - Murfreesboro, TN
  • Ph.D. in Computational Science (Expected)
  • Master of Science in Computer Science

May 2012
Truman State University - Kirksville, MO
  • Bachelor of Science in Physics


August 2012 - Present
Middle Tennessee State University - Murfreesboro, TN
Research/Teaching Assistant

  • Optimized 1D photonic crystals using genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, and particle swarm optimization.
  • Demonstrated an order of magnitude improvement in sensitivity of photonic bio-sensors via azimuthal control.
  • Conducted astronomy labs, tutored undergraduate physics and graded homework for calculus based physics classes.
  • Mentored an undergraduate student with her senior thesis on extraordinary acoustic transmission using COMSOL Multiphysics, which resulted in a journal publication.
June-August 2014, 2015
Oak Ridge National Lab - Oak Ridge, TN
Computational Biomedical Optics Summer Intern

  • Parallelized serial Monte Carlo (MC) for light transport in scattering media using OpenMP and MPI.
  • Analyzed 10+ TB of MC simulation data, using Python and Bash scripts, and C++ analysis code.
  • Established a positive correlation between the geometric Berry phase and photon penetration depth in turbid media.
June-August 2010, 2011
Truman State University - Kirksville, MO
TruScholar Summer Undergraduate Researcher

  • Developed Python programs using NumPy, and Matplotlib to extract, analyze, and visualize the light curve data of eclipsing binaries (EBs) from the OGLE and Kepler mission databases.
  • Analyzed 5+ GB of light-curve data of ~1000 EBs, classified them using unsupervised K-means clustering algorithm.
  • Proposed differential migrating star-spots as a possible cause of time-dependent asymmetry in light-curves of EBs.


  • Implemented a 3D Object-Oriented Scattering Matrix based Rigorous Coupled Wave Analysis code in C++ and MATLAB, achieved ~20% efficiency by cascading and doubling algorithm.
  • Developed database driven university course and photography conference scheduler, where I contributed in building databases, writing SQL queries, and drawing EER diagrams.
  • Classified the winning and losing moves in the tic-tac-toe game using learning algorithms based on Naïve Bayes probability and decision tree approaches.
  • Solved Traveling Salesman’s Problem in Python using simulated annealing and genetic algorithm.

Technical Skills

Python, C/C++, Matlab, R, Fortran, SQL, Javascript, PHP, Linux, Mac, Windows.

Journal Publications

  • V. Koju, and W. M. Robertson, "Excitation of Bloch-like surface waves in quasi-crystals and aperiodic dielectric multilayer structures", Optics Letters, 41, 2915-2918 (2016)
  • V. Koju, and W. M. Robertson, "Slow light by Bloch surface wave tunneling", Optics Express, 22, 15679-15685 (2014)

Awards & Recognitions

Sept. 2016
March 2013
  • SPIE Young Scientist Awards (First Place)
  • MTSU Scholars Week Poster presentation (Second Place)