Coding Projects

  3D ScatteringMatrix RCWA - Three dimensional Scattering Matrix based Rigorous Coupled Wave Analysis Code in MATLAB.

  3D ScatteringMatrix RCWA C++ - Three dimensional Scattering Matrix based Rigorous Coupled Wave Analysis Code in C++.

  NBA Predict - Data Science project to predict outcomes of NBA games using machine learning algorithms in Python. Source Code.

  Kepler Project - Analysis and visualization of eclipsing binary light curves from the Kepler-Mission database.

  Naive Bayes Tic-tac-toe - Data Science project to classify the winning and losing moves in Tic-tac-toe using Naive Bayes probability.

  Coursework Management - A project to develop a coursework deadline management system so that both students and teachers can manage deadlines on the same system.

  OpenGL Visualization Projects - Visualization projects using OpenGL.